Director Byun Seong-hwan in charge of 'Suwon Firefighters' "Emphasis on communication, humanity, discipline, and one team"

Director Byun Seong-hwan in charge of 'Suwon Firefighters' "Emphasis on communication, humanity, discipline, and one team"

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"We will advance by putting forward a solid plan A, B, and C rather than various tactics."

Coach Byeon Seong-hwan (44), who was inaugurated as the '10th coach' of Suwon Samsung in the professional soccer K

League 2, expressed his ambition to "keep the existing coaches in check with passion and freshness as a young coach."

Coach Byun said in his inauguration press conference held at Suwon World Cup Stadium on the 5th, "I never thought I

would be taking charge of a big club like Suwon, but as I prepared hard, something like a blessing came to me." He

emphasized, "I will do my best to implant my philosophy in the players and achieve our goal of promotion."

Coach Byun, who played in the K-League and the Australian Professional Football A-League during his active years, began

his coaching career at Seongnam FC in 2015 after retiring as a player.

Coach Byun, who served as the coach of the Korean U-16 national team in 2019 and took charge of the U-17 national team

in 2022, led the team to a second-place finish in the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) U-17 Asian Cup last year, but was

eliminated in the 2023 FIFA U-17 World Cup with the regret of losing all three matches in the group stage.

Suwon FC appointed coach Byeon as the new head coach on the 31st of last month, taking over from coach Yeom Ki-hun,

who stepped down voluntarily after the team fell to 8th place in K League 2.

Coach Byun, who made his debut as a manager in the away game against Busan I-Park on the 2nd in the 16th round of the

Hana Bank K League 2 2024, drawing 1-1, said, "Flashy soccer does not necessarily lead to results," and added, "The most

urgent task now is to find stability in both offense and defense. I will stick to the basics but respond with aggressive and

proactive tactics."

The following is a Q&A with director Byun Seong-hwan.

How do you feel about taking office as commander?

Personally, it is an honor. I never thought I would be able to coach a big club like Suwon, but after preparing hard, it was

like a blessing. However, it cannot be all good. I will do my best to implant my philosophy and the club's philosophy into

the players and give my all on the field to achieve our goal of promotion.

What are the principles that lead the team?

I gave the players four keywords: communication, character, discipline, and one team. Communication means that if

something happens, we should solve it internally while trusting each other. Also, character means that we should be good

people rather than good soccer players. Discipline means that we should guarantee freedom, but follow the rules set the

moment we arrive at the clubhouse. I emphasized one team in the sense that we should be “we” instead of “I.”

He was also labeled a ‘failed coach’ after the FIFA U-17 합법 World Cup.

The way we handle age-based national teams and K-League club players is different. It is important for age-based national

teams to focus on individual growth and create future A-league resources. If I had only thought about the results at the

time, I also thought about how many young players would be playing for the U-23 national team in 4-5 years. That is why I

was responsible for the results. However, professional teams have a different approach. We cannot help but be result-

oriented, but I will also consider the process important. We have recently fallen into a 7-game winless streak (2 draws, 5

losses), so I will prepare dynamic and time-space-controlled soccer during the A-match break. This morning, I had my first

training session, and I heard from the players, "We have never experienced this kind of training before." I am approaching

the training differently than before. I will increase the team's speed, increase the number of players in the attack, and play

winning soccer.

Which sub-tactic will you choose?

We will deploy a large number of players in the offensive part. We are also considering other plans based on the 4-3-3

tactic. Rather than various tactics, we will put forward a definite plan A, B, C.

We are currently in 6th place in K League 2. Realistically, we should be more concerned about making it to the playoffs.

Flashy football does not necessarily lead to good results. Finding stability in offense and defense is the most urgent task. In

order for the team to be stable, players must clearly understand their roles, but this is still lacking. I will start by touching

on small details. I will stick to the basics but respond with aggressive and active football.

This is your first time as a professional commander, so there are some concerns.

This is my first time as a professional coach. I have been preparing for the past 10 years. I have a freshness that others do

not have. I will keep the existing K League 2 coaches in check with my passion and freshness.

Promotion is important, but it is also important to give color to the team in the mid to long term.

Suwon must be promoted to the first division. The mid- to long-term goal is to create an atmosphere where the club's

youth players can be systematically managed in a good system and become professional players and devote themselves to

the team. If promoted to the first division, we will fight for the global market in line with the team's brand. The long-term

goal is to win a ticket to the upper split and the Asian Football Confederation (ACL).

Taking charge of a K-League team is a difficult task. Suwon will feel a greater sense of responsibility.

The manager told me, "We have a huge fandom, and if the results are not good, the criticism is strong." The situation is the

same for all club managers. If you lose a series, it is inevitable that you cannot avoid responsibility. It is the first game, but

a big fandom is a merit. If the fans' support is well conveyed, it gives the team a huge synergy effect. I have no fear. I will

do my best.

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